Kazuo Tanaka Laboratory 

Professor Kazuo Tanaka, 

IEEE Fellow, IFSA Fellow

 Dept. of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering , 

The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

World Leading Research in Fuzzy Model-based Nonlinear Control  

 Unique and Challenging Research in Robotics and Control

2023年もStanford University World's Top 2% Scientistsに選出されました!


企業の方へ ⇒ こちら

(Photo: UEC-UAV 2019) 


大学院では推薦試験があります. 本研究室HPのメイン言語は英語ですが,我々の研究を広く世界にアピールするためのもので,英語が得意な学生を望んでいるわけではありません. 

卒研配属などに関して Ⅱ類P4&P5,他大学の皆さんへ こちら

The world’s first (theoretically) guaranteed cost stabilizing control (considering the real actuator performance) in real long-distance (more than 50 miles) flying-wing type UAVs.  Are you interested in joining our projects as a Ph.D. student? 

UAV Experimental Photo, Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park , Hokkaido, Japan 



Google Scholar:

          Our publications currently report over 31,736 citations according to Google Scholar, with h-index of 59 and i10-index of 156 (May, 2024).  

          For more details, click here.

        Citation Ranking in our university!


          Citation Ranking of 'fuzzy control' area in the world!


          Citation Ranking of 'unmanned aerial vehicles' area in the world!


          Citation Ranking of 'nonlinear control' area in the world!


Web of Science:

          Our publications currently report over 9,894 citations (almost 10,000 citations!) according to Web of Science, with h-index of 30 and i10-index of 43 (June, 2019).

Google Scholar citation always gives over-estimated numbers. The number of citations provided in Web of Science is one of the most reliable numbers. The above numbers are purely counted only for journal publications (NOT including conference proceeding papers), where the 'All Database' option in  the pull-down menu of the Search Option is selected. The above numbers show pure measures of journal publication impact to the related communities.

          For more details, click here.


          Our publications currently report over 22,667 citations according to ResearchGate, with h-index of 53 and RG score of 40.37 (June, 2021).   

          For more details, click here.

Main Collaborators:

     Prof. Hua O. Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, USA

     Prof. Motoyasu Tanaka, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, UEC, Tokyo, Japan

     Prof. Ying-Jen Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

    Prof. Kai-Yi Wong, Department of Electrical Engineering,  National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan

Study our research deeper! 

Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach 

Review “…interesting as a source of new ideas leading to applied solutions” (International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol.19, No.1, February 2005)

From the Back Cover

A comprehensive treatment of model-based fuzzy control systems

For more details, see here.

    Contact us with your name and affiliation:  www(put-atmark-here)rc.mce.uec.ac.jp